An honest review of Steven Bartlett's Diary of a CEO live in London
Tuesday, 22 February 2022
I've been following Steven Bartlett for almost a year now and I think he is just the most inspiring person. His podcast, Diary of a CEO is often Spotifys most popular and is the reason I'm excited to get up on a Monday morning. Along with his guests, it motivates me to think long and hard about different parts of my life each week which is something I wouldn't be doing otherwise.
I've enjoyed seeing him go from strength to strength with releasing his book to the calebre of guests he now has on the show. I was excited when he told us he was joining Dragons den and even more so when he announced that he was taking diary of a CEO live.
I had no idea what to expect from a live podcast but I didn't care, I was going to get a ticket either way
Since I was on my own, arriving an hour early wasnt a probelm, I stood outside the theatre and watched as the crowd grew and saw a couple of celebrities arrive before heading inside at 6.45pm.
We were asked to stay in the bar area for almost an hour which was not the most comfortable or covid friendly environment but fine.
Having lost a little enthusiasm by the time it started, the show opened with an unkown artist, playing his very depressing, unknown music which I thought was a really odd choice. Along with the fact the show started half an hour late, I was almost in a bad mood by the time we actually got to the main act.
The show follows as Steven recounts his life with singing intervals from the choir every few minutes - but if like me, you've read his book or listened to his podcast, you already know almost all of what he said.
The show seems to be aimed at fans of dragons den wanting to know more about their newest recruit, not fans of Stevens. I had already heard everything he said during the first half.
Admittedly the 2nd half was better. He told us the story of how he met his girlfriend and how their relationship progressed, something he hasn't covered before and a really lovely story.
Although I zipped away as soon as he stopped talking. The night already had far too many songs from the choir and I didnt fancy staying for another one. I guess I wish there was a little more content and a little less singing.
Regardless of the fact it felt slightly like a wasted evening, I will continue to follow Stevens journey and look forward to whatever he has in store next, hopefully something a little more insightful.