Just One Last Post?

Sunday 30 December 2012

Dont worry, It's only a small one - iIcouldn't resist! I love to post daily and I wanted to show everyone my cute new necklace from PunkyPins*. You may remember my sparkely red heart earrings from a few posts ago? Well this necklace is from the same people!

Follow Me?

In other news, regarding New Years outfit - I've decided against trousers and whittled it down to two dresses but I cant decide which one, either way I think dresses are a little bit more classy and alot more feminine! 

 They are both very similar, I think that's why I'm finding it hard to choose, both the same shape and both sparkely

What do you guys think?


and once that decision is made, I have shoes to think about. I think this is going to be a bit last minute..


Saturday 29 December 2012

I fancied doing a round up post from my year of blogging. It hasn't even been a year - only 8 months yet it has taken over my life, I started as a way to keep track of my style and watch it change, blogging has done that for me plus much, much more. It has allowed me to try things that I would never have attempted before, learning about amazing new products and brands in the fashion and beauty industry, evolving my style much more that I would have hoped to do on my own. It had allowed me to attend a few events and even make some new friends. As well  as all of that, it has bult my tiny confidence up slowly. In the real world it's not often you get to hear what people actually think of what you wear and what you look like, well blogging is a whole different story all of your comments and thoughts have really helped me to build and inprover my blog though the year.

Thankyou to all my followers for your support and I hope to carry my blog higher and higher into the new year.

Ive finally made my blog a facebook page so I would really appreciated it if you could hit like for me.

Happy New Year!!

Just a quick catch up!

Friday 28 December 2012

Hey guys hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your friends and families and got lots of lovely presents, I know I did! Im still full up now, There were six of us for christmas day but my mum decided to buy a turkey that fed 16 (just incase there wasnt enough, you know) and the next day she bought two joints of beef for 7 of us. Lets just say there are alot of leftovers, not complaining tho, it just makes christmas seem longer :)

It was a nice break from blogging - my first since starting (except from when I've been on holiday) -  but I'm back now and ready to get back on track... Nearly.

Thing is I don't have any outfit photos to show you yet as me and Andrew have been busy with christmas but I wanted to give you a little post show you what I've been up to. Its not often that I post photos like this but I like these posts every once in a while and the festive period is a great time to do it. 

but don't worry the outfit posts will be back as soon as possible
Christmas eve at work - I was a reindeer - went with simple clothes in the end
Christmas and Boxing Day at home with the family :)

My Presents plus lots of money :) 

 Grandparents <3


 Playing with my new Ipad from Andrew <3

 Getting Ready for a Girls Night Out - New Disco Pants from the Saless and new makeup for xmas  

At  Yatess

 Best Boyfriend Ever :)
 From Andrews Family - very excited to use these

 Sales Shopping - Successful!
Ill be posting what I bought as soon as I can and am looking forward to restarting my outfit posts in the new year!

Christmas Eve at Work

Sunday 23 December 2012

Guess what guys?! I got myself a job!! It's just a couple of nights a week at a pub but it's a start and should be enough for some extra money while im still at college!

I'm working on Christmas eve (not a bad thing as it means I can have Christmas day and New Years off which is all I wanted) and apparently everyone dresses up. All the girls are doing sexy santa but I fancied somthing different so I've got reindeer antlers.. but no brown clothes, maybe just pair them with a nice outfit might work just the same!

Although the initial feel of this look isn't very christmassy I think it still has a festive edge. The red skirt and swirly pattern could hint towards red baubauls on a tree I guess (see it?). Swap this cool handmade turban (which is so in at the moment - check out Rephlexx Designs for some amazing customised beanies and accessories (I love their studded bow ties)) for a antlers and I'm set! 

 What Do You Think?

Also, today is my mums birthday so Happy Birthday Mum!! 
Headband* - Rephlexx Designs
Top - Motel Rocks - From the Sample Sale
Skirt* - Humbara
Earrings* - Punky Pins


Friday 21 December 2012

A few weeks ago, Me and Andrew finalised out NYE plans. Booked - Check! Payed For - Check! Outfit - Umm.. 
Uh-ho. I have no idea what im going to wear. We have booked up to spend the evening at my favourite resturant - Gilgamesh in camden town. It's all very posh. The food is out of this world -  asian dishes brought up in coulds of smoke.

I still have alot of outfits to test drive before the big day (which I'll keep you all updated with) but I just got this dress in the post today and it's a big contender. I'm in love with it. It's the perfect shape for the event, tight fitting but long sleeves make it look very classy and the lurex material just has christmas written all over it!

I funked it up a bit with these red heels which I'm not 100% sure about as maybe somting a little bit easier to walk in may be appropriate, but then again I'm not sure becuase they do look good. 

Paired with my cute glittery love heart earrings from an online shop i found out about in high school (everyone had their name necklaces) and this cute mouse ring!

What Do You Think?

Dress* - Bravesoul
Shoes* - AMIclubwear 
Earrings* - Punky Pins
Ring* - Cherry Baby 


NEXT Competition!

Thursday 20 December 2012

Check out the details HERE
Basically, All you need to do is create your shop window scene.

Mine is Christmas Eve Style

What more could you want on Christmas Eve? Sitting next to an open fire, wearing the most snuggely pjs, all warm with a hot chocolate, marshmellows and cream.

Violent Eyes

Tuesday 18 December 2012

With christmas coming up its all about the sparkle - glitter dresses, glitter shoes and glitter makeup.  One problem I always have with the third is that it never stays where I put it, especially if its eyelids. I spread it evenly across the top lid and by the time I actually leave the house its all moved to the top and left my eyes looking blotchy and horrible- not a nice look. Solution?

Voilent Lips have just released Violent Eyes*, the same concept as the lip tattoos but for your eyes. I was amazed to see their team upload a photo of a little girl captioned "Happy Birthday to our Creator" well, I had to find out more, so upon reading the about section of the site I found out that the two sisters came across the idea of lip tattoos while playing with temporary tattoos and basically just decided to put them on their lips.

Ive got a whole load to try as you can see below, thought I'd start out with the Violent Eyes in Gold. They were a little bit fiddley at first, but I was happy to see that each packet contains 8 sets in 4 designs, so I wasn't too worried when I messed up the first two pairs. The third time, I was ready.

One thing I must say is follow the instructions exactly or it wont work, thats when I realised I they dont go on exactly like a temporary tattoo - just very similarly and thats why it wasnt working. 
My Bad.

Forgetting all of that, I'm very happy with the outcome and am ready to try out new the set soon. I'll post again asap!

Also, I picked up this dress at the Motel Rock Sample Sale - Another fave! I now have four dresses in this shape with the cute neckline I was telling you about and a cut out back!

On the subject of temoprary tattoos, check out what my friends got up to today! (these ones are real)

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