
I fancied doing a round up post from my year of blogging. It hasn't even been a year - only 8 months yet it has taken over my life, I started as a way to keep track of my style and watch it change, blogging has done that for me plus much, much more. It has allowed me to try things that I would never have attempted before, learning about amazing new products and brands in the fashion and beauty industry, evolving my style much more that I would have hoped to do on my own. It had allowed me to attend a few events and even make some new friends. As well  as all of that, it has bult my tiny confidence up slowly. In the real world it's not often you get to hear what people actually think of what you wear and what you look like, well blogging is a whole different story all of your comments and thoughts have really helped me to build and inprover my blog though the year.

Thankyou to all my followers for your support and I hope to carry my blog higher and higher into the new year.

Ive finally made my blog a facebook page so I would really appreciated it if you could hit like for me.

Happy New Year!!


  1. Aww this post is lovely! And your style is gawj xx


  2. Congrats to your first 8 months!!! In my case, my blog isn't even a month yet.
    I'm your newest follower, hope you can follow me back=)

  3. congratulations on reaching 8 months! I think I'm at 10? I love your Minnie mouse look :)
    thanks for the kind comment on my blog- opening our presents after dinner is something we have always done 3:30 is earlier than usual. I think those leather skirts are a hard thing to wear- there is just something about them which is why the one I bought was not the first I tried

    1. ~Thankyou! and really? wow not that much ahead of me then :)

  4. Great pictures, I love your style :)


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