Be Electric

Yey! The snow is still here, and you know what that means? I cant get into college today, although sitting in my bedroom you wouldn't have guessed it, the sun is beating down on my back and its bright sunshine outside! I've been feeling a little lazy while being trapped inside and I can't deal with going outside in the snow so i've spend today on the excersize bike, who'd have guessed it. I impressed myself tho, first time in about two years and I was perfectly fine on it for an hour at top intensity, loosing myself 600 calories, Impressive?

I'm not going out in the snow for photos, firstly becasue my photographer (Andrew) is at work and secondly becasue it's too cold, so I'm going to post an outfit we photographed last week. 

It's another new crop top to showcase from my collection, which came straight from the Electric Tees office! It hasnt been released as a crop yet but Kuben has been playing around with the idea for the S/S collection, this is my favourite length for a crop top! it cuts off a little under my boobs, showing off the thinest part of my torso. It's the perfect addition for this outfit, paired with my acid wash jeans, super platform trainers and just a tiny bit more eyeliner than normal, it's a little gothic but monochrome is going to be big this year too!

Jeans* - Fashion Union 
Trainers - Office


  1. WOW! your trainer shoes are amazing!!!

  2. Awesome! I love your blog, perhaps we can follow each other?


  3. love your shirt, you are so skinny <3
    check out our blog too, dear :)

  4. Hey doll, your style is indeed electric! This is another cool and excellent look!

  5. I love the design of your crop top! The jeans look amazing on you as well! :D

  6. You look gorgeous :) I love the top!!


  7. Perfect style ! I love your top :)

  8. This outfit is amazing!

    XX, Gwen


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