Things In October

Anniversary Part 3
Ealier in the month, we had an incredible weekend to finish off our anniversary month. Andrew had booked our favourite hotel for the night but check in wasn't until 3pm so we spent the morning having brunch at The Charlotte Street Hotel. I saw Lobster Benedict on the menu so I had to have that and it was pretty good!

Afterwards we were off down the road to The Sanderson. Andrew tired to keep it a surprise but ended up telling me what hotel we were going to earlier in the week. What he didn't tell me was that he had booked a bigger room than last time so I was totally shocked when we walked into our huge room with a big white bed just sitting in the middle.

Soon after check in, we were off to the Spa. Again, The Sanderson spa is one of our favourites so we were both super excited for our massages. When we were done, the masseuses led us down through the floaty white curtain maze to their "slumber pods." These were basically two big white armchair bed things in their own little curtain room. I went off to the toilet and got back to see two glasses of champagne, a couple bowls of strawberries and some cream waiting for us.
Aqua Spa, Sanderson Hotel
We spent just over an hour in there before Andrew got hungry. We decided that we wanted to spend as much time in the room as possible but still enjoy the rest of the hotel and squeeze a cheeky Nandos in too so out first stop for the evening was The Long Bar at the hotel. It really was super expensive, but it is somewhere that I had wanted to go to for ages so I didn't mind paying for cocktails.
The long bar, sanderson hotel
Luckily for us, there is a Nandos on the same road so we popped in for dinner and then headed back to the room in time for Doctor Who and then Bridesmaids. The lovely staff at the hotel had left us a cake and fruit platter too so I ate most of that in bed lolol
the sandeson hote
Breakfast the next morning was super yummy and then a little after that we checked out. Andrew really knows how to plan a weekend, we both had such an amazing time and it was the perfect way to celebrate our anniversary .
the sanderson hotel breakfast

 Michael Mcintyre Live At The 02
I'm not all that into comedy but I do love Michael Mcintyer so I was super excited earlier this year when Andrew told me his mum has bought us all tickets to go. Finally the night came and I was off to the 02 after work. We went to Busaba Ethai before which was really nice! Andrew had never been before and I hadn't been for ages but we had the most delicious crab rice along with a few other dishes!

We then met up with his parents and found our seats ready for the show!

Drinks with the lads
Lots to catch up on with the boys after a long few weeks! Seconds after this photo was taken, I was soaked with alcohol from falling bottles. Boys will be boys

Wainwrights Dog Food
I came home from work last week to a package addressed to Molly haha when I opened it for her there was a bag of dog food with her name printed on it. How cute!

I had a cute little event with Monarch early in the month. They had set us up a little area to play golf for the evening with an amazing view over the 02 and canary wharf. After a glass of cava and a little talk through how to hold a golf club it was time to hit some shots. Needless to say, I was absolutely terribly so I gave up half way through and sat giggling with the girls at how bad we all were!

Opulus at Facebook
As part of a two week training programme I was doing at work, they took us to the Facebook offices down the road from ours. The place was amazing and there was free food everywhere - an old school sweet shop, snack stations and an amazing lunch canteen. As you can tell we didnt really do much apart from eat while we were there although we did all get a chance to try their new toy - The Opulus Rift which was actually incredible. Apparently I was the only one who thought it was that realistic that I needed to scream, although watching everyone else waving their arms around was quite funny. It wasn't something I thought would interest me but after that, I definitely want to get one!
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