Freshers Club

This was Andrew's first ever photoshoot! I recently recieced a tee from British brand, Freshers Club, a mens tee. I thought I could model it, you know like girl wearing her boyfriends top, but this idea was so much more fun and it made a bit more sence to have a guy wearing it anyway.

For those of you know don't know, Andrew is my boyfriend and takes all the photos for my blog! Today we turned the tables, I had alot of fun getting revenge by taking  photos while he was talking and sneezing like he always does to me but I;ll be kind and put up the good ones. 

He's one of those guys who is scared of cameras but looking at these photos I dont think anyone would have known, by the end he was getting really into it haha

I love when I see brands pop in my everyday life so seeing a Freshers Club sticker on a bus stop in shoreditch yesterday made me like them even more! A nice simple top for everyday use! I think Andrew looks great in it!!

Top* - Freshers Club
Sunglasses* - 8BitApparel
Coat - Superdry 


  1. Aww this is sweet. :) Nice for the tables to turn for once, and you'd never guess he wasn't into it at first.

  2. These are good pictures!
    I love photoshoots (when I'm the photographer, I'm too shy otherwise ha!)
    UK High Street Fashion & Style

  3. aww it's so cute how he's a tad camera shy, but he's quite good at modelling the shirt! x

  4. just stumbled across your blog :)
    like your blog :)


  5. The pictures are lovely, looks like he got into it!xx


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