Glitterbug Boutique

AHHHH. My glitterbugsbtq sparkely phone case arrived and its amazing. I was so excited when i saw my phone case sized package in the my post box, id seen the photos that Glitterbug boutique tweeted me, now i wanted to see my case in real life and i was not dissapointed.
Different to phone cases ive seen in the past this one is covered in little 3D bits as well as a range of different coloured gems and pearls. Its got everyrhing! And its pink woo. I especially like the little pearl balls dotted about as they make a nice change and add some shimmer in as well as the sparkle if u get me. im not sure i make sence but i know waht i mean... 

Glitterbugsbtq were great, they ordered in my specific phone case specially and it came with a little screen wiper and protector. I have been finding it hard to find somewhere that does phones that arnt just specialized in ipone 4s, so that was a great advantage they have on many other places. I also like that the case is see though which i think makes it look better as you cant see bits of colour peeping though. It all feels very sturdy which i which is great as you wouldnt want bits falling off. 

Looking for a beautifulfully personalisable case? Glitterbugs boutique is the one for you!!


  1. this is so cute!:)

    1. Thanks! Will check out you blog when im home from malia!


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