My Week In Mobile Uploads

Im not sure this post interested any one else but i like doing it and looking back over my week! Its been a one at that! Ive been very busy what with the graduation and seeing friends alot more this week. We had a dunkend sleepover, a drunken BBQ haha i sound like were all alcoholics but no it was just that everyone was together and there were two birthdays!

Artists At the Schuh advert Campaign

Schuh Campaign
Stefan and his beer

Figuring out for to attach the fish bowl
Finished grafitti at Schuh

The boys sleeping together

Robin Retrieveing his milk from the ceiling

The empty bottels

Enjoying a cup of tea in london



My pint of lemonade and black current

Andrew now drinks champagne when we go out
Me and Alice
New Swarvoski Necklace! Saaalle
Schuh Day

Worked out how to drink from the fish bowl
At the Pub

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