LIFESTYLE: Baking A White Bread Loaf With Baking Mad
I was pretty scared when Baking Mad sent me a hamper full of Allinson Flour, a bread tin and yeast and asked me to make a loaf of bread. It was one of those ones that I wanted to say yes to but I was a bit worried about having to showcase my failed work on my blog after haha.
I'd just had a meeting with Diet Coke earlier that day about their new 'Regret Nothing' campaign, encouraging women to be impulsive and do what they want to do and not to worry about it - 6 out of 10 women would happily ‘do things differently’ if they had their time again and I know that a bit of an extreme thing to compare making a loaf of bread to but it is a running joke that I cant cook and bread is something I have always wanted to try so I'm glad I did - and guys, prepare yourselves - you would not believe the result!
I can make bread!! It might not be all cheffy like this herb focaccia recipe but its a legit loaf of bread that looks and tastes like real bread. My mum was so amazed when I took it out of the oven that she called everyone into into the kitchen (including both my brothers and their girlfriends) to marvel at my creation.
We got my dad to slice into it and within 5 minutes the whole lots was gone, crust and all and it was so good!
Big thanks to Baking Mad for giving me the opportunity to push my comfort zones and making the bread making process so easy for me - I will definitely be making it again!
Check out the recipe here
(you can tell I'm proud of this one, look how many photos I took!)
I'd just had a meeting with Diet Coke earlier that day about their new 'Regret Nothing' campaign, encouraging women to be impulsive and do what they want to do and not to worry about it - 6 out of 10 women would happily ‘do things differently’ if they had their time again and I know that a bit of an extreme thing to compare making a loaf of bread to but it is a running joke that I cant cook and bread is something I have always wanted to try so I'm glad I did - and guys, prepare yourselves - you would not believe the result!
I can make bread!! It might not be all cheffy like this herb focaccia recipe but its a legit loaf of bread that looks and tastes like real bread. My mum was so amazed when I took it out of the oven that she called everyone into into the kitchen (including both my brothers and their girlfriends) to marvel at my creation.
We got my dad to slice into it and within 5 minutes the whole lots was gone, crust and all and it was so good!
Big thanks to Baking Mad for giving me the opportunity to push my comfort zones and making the bread making process so easy for me - I will definitely be making it again!
Check out the recipe here
(you can tell I'm proud of this one, look how many photos I took!)
thats a great loaf- you got a good rise there