LIFESTYLE: Learning To Knit

Whenever I go shopping with my grandparents, we always end up in the pound shop buying all sorts of things for everyone. Bags and bags of chocolates, sweets, pens, notebooks and all sorts. While I was deciding which sparkly notebook to pick for each of my little cousins, I came across a box - a learn to knit kit. Of course I put it in the basket for myself haha it was only £1. Anyway, I got home and it was kind of useless, but it did start something in me. I just about know how to do a simple knit stitch and I decided I wanted to know more so I had to get myself some proper equipment and learn. I have been obsessed ever since.

The team at Black Sheep Wools sent me a couple sets of needles, size 10 and 12 mm, four balls of  yarn and a how to knit for beginners book! The yarn is so thick and snuggly. 
Its quite tricky but I am slowly getting the hang of it. Typical me, I didn't start with something simple but flicked straight to the back and got started on a jumper. I'm not sure if it will finish up as a jumper but we'll see haha.

Knitting patterns are quite confusing at first glance but if you just read the instructions a few times it's doable, I'm getting there. Also luckily for me, my mum used to knit jumpers when she was 18. She doesn't remember much at all but at least we can try to work out the instructions together!

I have learnt how to cast on which is basically starting the process. I also already knew how to do a simple knit stitch and with the help of my mum I now know how to purl. Very exciting.

Here's what I have so far - Impressed? haha


  1. I am actually very impressed I tried a while back and it takes a lot longer than you think haha god its hard xxx

  2. Hello, i am glad to read the whole content of this blog and I am very excited
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