LIFESTYLE: Birdseye Inspirations, Krispy Kreme & Costa's Summer Menu

 I've done lots of foodie bits and pieces over the past two weeks so I thought instead of loads of mini posts, I could just put them into one!

I was invited to a sitting of the first ever pay by instagram restaurant in London hosted my Birdseye, what a strange concept, but I loved it, any excuse to take more photos of my food haha. I'll be honest, I thought it all might be a little cheap since it's free but it wasn't, you would never be able to tell! It looks just like a normal restaurant except you didn't have to pay at the end.

We started with some bread, oil and vinegar which is something I always love to start a meal with. The waiting staff were great and offered us wine, water, coke, whatever we wanted really. Once we were settled with our bread and drinks we then got to work picking our meals over the iPads, each table setting came with and ipad for you to use throughout your meal - I picked the chicken which was super yummy with a garlic sauce inside and some minted veg!

The meal finished with a choice of chocolate or strawberry desserts, obviously I went for chocolate which was a super thick and decedent chocolate pot thing with ice cream on top!

 Since it was national doughnut week, the next very exciting launch that I went to the unveiling of the world's most expensive doughnut with Krispy Kreme. I arrived first thing in the morning and was very excited, I didn't really know what to expect although I did think it was going to be huge!! After getting everyone's attention and a little drum roll the doughnut was revealed and although it was normal sized, it looked amazing! A sparkly gold creation sitting on a pretty cocktail. I got a chance to speak to the woman who made it and she talked me though the ingredients - Dom Pérignon jelly, 24 ct gold leaf and edible diamonds! Then finally we were told how much it cost! £1000!!! and one lucky lady - Claudine - won in on a facebook competition, what a crazy prize and as well as that she got a stay in London plus £500 Selfridges voucher - a very nice prize if you ask me! If you fancied a less expensive version for yourself, Selfridges were selling 12 bespoke doughnuts on the day at £39.99 each.

At the end of the unveiling Krispy Kreme presented a giant £10,000 cheque to the children's trust! 
After all that excitement, I was off down to Oxford street for a little bit of shopping! I said goodbye and left but not before picking up a yummy chocolate doughnut for the journey!!

I didn't have time to look up the venue properly for this one so I just followed my phone to the address - I turned up outside a Hawaiian paradise club hidden behind chancery lane, definitely not what I was expecting for a coffee event, but I was very excited all the same, I love Costa's summer drinks normally so I was looking forward to what that have planned for this year! I arrived early and was greeted by the lovely Costa girls and the amazing room they had set up with deck chairs and flower garlands, a makeup artist, manicurists, food and lots of Costa treats! The girls and I got straight into eating some of the yummy food and chatting about the new releases before trying all of the drinks with a piece of cake afterwards!

There are eight yummy new drinks for you to look forward to which will be in stores from the 29th of May! Here's what you have got to look forward to -

Strawberry & Lime Fruit Cooler
Green Tea, Mint & Lime Fruit Cooler
Caramel Latte Cooler
Mint Mocha Creamy Cooler
Lemon Iced Tea
Peach Iced Tea
Coffee Cooler
Iced Ginger Beer & Mint

My favourite was 100% the Mint Mocha, I'm not a fan of actual coffee as I was a bit worried about trying it because I have never liked coffee based coolers in the past but it was really nice and the tiny little faint taste of coffee give it a little extra kick, it was also topped with whipped cream and chocolate which helped put it to the top of my list haha. I also loved the white chocolate blondie, I've never had a while chocolate brownie before but it was amazing, sweet and gooey with chocolate chunks and pecans on top, so yummy! After stuffing my face with one of every thing, you know I had to try if all for reviewing purposes, I ended up behind the bar making a ginger beer inspired cocktail in theme with the new release, I was far too full to drink and alcohol but I was happy because it meant I got a drink in a tiki glass and that was all I really wanted hahah.


  1. Looks like a great event. ♡ Hope to see you up on ♡

  2. :O I can't wait for the new costa coolers!

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