LIFESTYLE: Cupcakes With Baking Mad
I guess the guys at Baking Mad must have been as impressed as I was with my bread making skills
because they got back in touch to see if I wanted to work on their next
campaign, of course I said yes but I think this time I think I may have
lost my good cook reputation.
theme was Vanilla. They have teamed up with Nielsen Massey and asked us
to pick a recipe that included some of their vanilla products. I went
for the vanilla cupcake recipe, but I still managed to mess that one up haha although I can blame
Andrew for that one, it wasn't my fault that he didn't have a
muffin/cupcake tray to cook them in!
Congratulations on the exciting opportunity with Baking Mad! It's wonderful to see your bread-making skills recognized. While balancing my online class, I'm sure you'll continue to impress in the kitchen and maintain your reputation as a talented cook.