FASHION: Suede Shorts On The Allure Of The Seas

This outfit is one of my typical holiday outfits. I have been wearing this exact same outfit on holidays for the past 5 or 6 years since I spotted these amazing shorts, in Primark would you believe?! I just love that they are an interesting pair of shorts and I colour that I don't usually wear so they make it into my suitcase every year!

If you look closely, you might even spot me wearing it in one of my very first posts back in 2012 - see, I'm not joking haha and wearing them this year was particularly exciting because suede is actually in!

I had Scoliosis when I was 14 (strangely, we noticed it while we were on holiday on a different ship) and I had it operated on and although I notice it everyday, for some reason, this is the outfit is the one that shows off my odd hips the most - they just look really different on both side and I seem to notice it most in this outfit. Everyone just tells me that I am imagining it but I'm pretty sure I'm right haha I'ts not really and issue but I thought I'd share! Can you see it?

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