BEAUTY: Barry M Midnight Gelly Collection
I got another one of those confusing invites the other day. It was from the lovely lady at Barry M so as soon as I saw that come through, of course I was excited but the part that confused me was that it was happening at the London Bridge Experience. Like that the same as the London Dungeons right?!
I've done the dungeons before but going alone and at night did creep me out a bit but they are my favorite nail polish brand so there was no way I was missing this!
The new colours are part of the new Midnight Gellys Collection - four off black polishes so it did make actual sense having the launch there. I am still finding it a bit hard to tell the difference between the four of them (it is much easier during the daytime), as you can see in the photo that I took, they do look really similar but then again, as you can see in the official Barry M photo, if you catch them in the right light, you can easily see the hints of different colours.
Above: Grape, Pistachio, Current, Cherry (I think)
It seems like all that moaning in my last post made me feel better and with a new collection of polishes to try, I couldn't wait to get home and paint my nails. I picked Grape (the blue one) and of course I topped it off with my Plumpy top coat. As usual with the Gelly collection, the polish is easy to maneuver and perfect after two coats.
Don't get me wrong, I am a light and bright nail polish lover but after a summer of wearing whites and mint greens, it was a nice change to go for a dark one.
Which Is Your Favourite?
They apply so beautifully and glossy- I am in love! xx