BEAUTY: TommyGuns Shapoo & Conditioner
Shampoo and Conditioner* - TommyGuns
I started dying my strawberry blonde hair, brown when I was about fifteen and when I was 16 I bleached my whole fringe. I never thought of the consequences but since getting into blogging and reading beauty blogs/meeting other bloggers I've realised how much effort people put into their and hair and to be honest, I am shocked! All I do it wash and condition with whatever shampoo my mum has bought that week, if its warm, I'll let it air dry and if it's cold I'll sit against a hot radiator and watch TV until its dry, Lazy, I know.
So after bleaching parts of my hair again last week, I thought it was about time that I started treating my hair to some nourishing, rehydrating shampoo and conditioner and I could see and feel a different straight away.
I put the products in the shower in the morning and when I came home from work and went to have a shower, my whole bathrooms smelt like almonds, they are very fragrant and that is something that I love in hair products.
The shampoo seemed as all normal shampoos do, apart from the amazing smell, but I did see a huge change in my hair after covering it in conditioner. I've never felt my hair so silky and smooth it was lovely.
Definitely going to start using more nourishing products from now on!
What's your hair care routine?
Hairs play a main role in the personality of men and women. So they should be cared for properly and now I can get assignment help perth to manage the task. These products including shampoo and conditioners can help you in making them strong and healthy.